Right to Know Act

‘Right to Know’ bill loses support of key groups, including Legal Aid Society

The 'Right to Know Act' is losing support for one of its bills, as critics claim it will ultimately create loopholes that police officers could exploit. (Credit: Charles Eckert)

City Council legislation meant to force NYPD officers to identify themselves in certain nonemergency encounters — and distribute business cards when there is no arrest or summons — is continuing to lose support from foes of police misconduct.

The groups say the bill ultimately creates loopholes that cops can exploit.

A Backroom Deal Threatens to Weaken Real Police Reform in New York City


On Tuesday, the New York City Council will vote on two police accountability bills. One represents real reform that will protect New Yorkers' privacy rights when police ask to search them without probable cause. The other is faux reform that is the result of a backroom deal between powerful politicians and the New York Police Department.

Right to Know Act backers demand sponsors force vote on bills

New York Daily News

Backers of a pair of hotly contested police reform bills are demanding their sponsors force a vote on the legislation in the next three weeks.

Advocates pushed Councilmen Ritchie Torres and Antonio Reynoso, the chief sponsors of the Right to Know Act, to use a tactic called a motion to discharge to force it to the floor by Nov. 16.

“We cannot wait any longer,” said Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, who was killed by a police chokehold on Staten Island. “We need them to discharge these bills, and then we need them passed. And we can’t take no for an answer.”

Exigen al Concejo que apruebe el Acta del “Derecho a saber” para frenar abusos de la policía

El Diario

La llamada ley del “Derecho a saber”, una iniciativa que exige que los policías se identifiquen ante los sospechosos con sus nombres propios y de paso se les informe sobre las razones por las cuales están siendo detenidos y su derecho a rechazar el registro si no hay causa probable, vuelve a estar sobre la mesa, faltando apenas tres meses para que termine la sesión actual del Concejo Municipal.

City Council must pass police reform before year ends

Amsterdam News

The people in my community of Flushing, Queens, like New Yorkers in various other neighborhoods across the city, are tired of getting targeted and harassed by the NYPD. Police frequently approach people without identifying themselves or providing any justification. Despite the decline in the number of reported stops by the NYPD, there are many policing interactions initiated by officers that are going unrecorded. In these incidents, officers just do whatever they want without any accountability or transparency.

Pass the "Right to Know" Act Now, Demand Families of People Killed by New York City Police


We're now several months into the Trump administration, and activists have scored some important victories in those months. Yet there is always more to be done, and for many people, the question of where to focus and how to help remains. In this series, we talk with organizers, agitators, and educators, not only about how to resist, but how to build a better world. Today's interview is the 82nd in the series. Click here for the most recent interview before this one.

Sponsors vow to pass cop transparency bills

AM New York

Sponsors of two bills — one forcing NYPD cops in nonemergencies to identify themselves by name and rank, and the other requiring them to tell those they want to search of their constitutional right to deny a voluntary request — vowed Wednesday to pass both by the new year.

Nearly 1,000 supporters of the legislation, which have languished since 2014 but have veto-proof support in the City Council, picketed outside City Hall Wednesday to demand the city enact the bills.

“We deserve the right to know! Abusive cops have got to go!” the demonstrators chanted.

Losing a Brother: Victoria Davis and Victor Dempsey Fight for ‘The Right to Know' Law

Why the families of people killed by police are holding "Take a Knee" actions to highlight their demands for transparency.

"On July 4, 2016, NYPD officer Wayne Isaacs shot and killed my brother, Delrawn Small, and left him to die in the street without assistance. Wayne Isaacs was still sitting in the car when he shot Delrawn.

"My family is demanding that Isaacs be held accountable [for killing our brother]. But we also know that holding one officer accountable will not end police violence. We need strong policy changes to help end abusive policing in New York City. Our family is demanding the Right to Know Act be passed and [for] Wayne Isaacs to be held accountable as civilians are always held accountable." - Victoria Davis, sister of Delrawn Small

With Only 3 Months Left to Pass Bills, Hundreds of New Yorkers Descend on City Hall Demanding Action on Right to Know Act Police Reforms

Right to Know Act is supported by majority of council members, 200+ groups and Colin Kaepernick; policies received support from Obama policing taskforce and Council’s Young Women’s Initiative