Press Releases

Blake Police Brutality Trail Starts: NYPD Uses Excessive Force Against Former Tennis Star

After years of delays and multiple false starts, NYPD Officer James Frascatore, the cop responsible for the unprovoked and brutal attack of retired tennis star James Blake, will finally stand trial for NYPD discipline.

Miguel Richards Should Be Alive Today, Police Reform Campaign Says

September 14, 2017 – In response to the release of body camera footage documenting the killing of Miguel Richards by NYPD officers, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) issued the following statement attributable to CPR Director Joo-Hyun Kang.

Police Reform Campaign Responds to Civilian Complaint Review Board Substantiating Complaint against Officer Who Killed Eric Garner

In response to reports that the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board substantiated a complaint against Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who killed Eric Garner, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Carolyn Martinez-Class.

NY Police Reform Campaign Responds to Bronx DA Dropping Charges Against Pedro Hernandez

Campaign calls for Governor Cuomo to Authorize Office of NY Attorney General As Special Prosecutor to Investigate 42nd Precinct, NYPD and Bronx DA’s Office

CPR Responds to CCRB Chair Stepping Down

In response to CCRB Chair Maya Wiley stepping down, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

CPR Responds to Council Passing Police Reporting Legislation, Int. 119-D

In response to the City Council passing reporting legislation on police abuses of civilians, Int. 119-D, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Mark Winston-Griffith, executive director of the Brooklyn Movement Center.

Ramarley Graham’s Mother and Supporting Organizations Release New Legal Filings Against NYPD

NYC Council Progressive Caucus files amicus brief urging end to NYPD concealment of information on Graham’s killing

The NYPD continues to conceal records on Graham’s killing more than five years after his death, while still not scheduling trials against officers charged in killing, Morris & McLoughlin

Police Reform Campaign Responds to NYPD Killing Dwayne Jeune

In response to the killing of Dwayne Jeune, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Carolyn Martinez-Class.

Communities United for Police Reform and Justice Committee Respond to CCRB Report on Hundreds of New Yorkers Prevented from Filming NYPD by Officer Misconduct

In response to a report released by the CCRB documenting hundreds of complaints and instances where NYPD officers interfered with New Yorkers’ First Amendment rights to document policing activity during the first 3 years of the de Blasio administration, Communities United for Police Reform and the Justice Committee released the following statements.

Advocates Applaud Assembly Passage of Police-STAT Act, Call on Senate to Advance Transparency Bill to Ensure Justice & Safety for Communities across New York

In response to the New York State Assembly passing the Police-STAT Act (A.5946/S.147) on Thursday, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Kesi Foster.
