In the Media

James Blake Got An Apology From The NYPD, But Families Of Other Victims Are Still Waiting

"Black lives matter. Latino lives matter. Non-celebrity lives matter. It's high time the city acknowledged that."
Huffington Post

NEW YORK -- The violent and wrongful arrest of tennis star James Blake in New York City earlier this month prompted swift apologies from Mayor Bill de Blasio and Police Commissioner William Bratton. Blake also got the chance to meet privately with the two officials to discuss policing reforms.

Police commissioners fight over policy

Amsterdam News

Former New York City Police Commissioner Ray Kelly isn’t holding his tongue about how he feels about law enforcement in the city since he left the NYPD. Kelly believes the city would be safer if stop-and-frisk were to return.

In a recent New Yorker magazine article interview, Kelly said that Mayor Bill de Blasio and current Commissioner Bill Bratton are going about keeping the city safe all wrong. The former top cop contends that de Blasio was able to woo voters by attacking him.

Bratton assailed for embrace of 50-year-old Moynihan report

Politico New York

Bill Bratton has always viewed his job as police commissioner as something far larger than simply being a top law enforcement official. In his 1998 book, "Turnaround," and in public comments throughout his four decades in policing, he has often explained the challenges of achieving public safety in sweeping terms more akin to a sociology professor rather than a police officer.

NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton announces safest summer in 25 years

New York Daily News

The season began with a troubling spike in gun violence, but crime stats from the last three months show the city is enjoying the safest summer in a quarter century.

Police Commissioner Bill Bratton, when asked about the sharp rise in murders in some cities across the country, boasted on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” about the Big Apple’s recent drop in crime.

“Ironically, New York City this past summer, June to end of August ... this was the safest summer we’ve had in 25 years in terms of shootings and murders,” Bratton said Tuesday.

Bratton: City Has Safest Summer in 25 Years


It has been a long, hot summer in the city, but not on the streets. While some high-profile shootings and murders have grabbed headlines, Police Commissioner William Bratton says crime has taken something of a holiday. NY1's Dean Meminger filed this report.

"June to the end of August, we closed our crime numbers yesterday. This was the safest summer we've had in 25 years, in terms of shootings and murders," Bratton said on MSNBC Tuesday.

Fixing Broken Windows

Bill Bratton wants to be America’s top cop. His critics say that his legacy is tainted.
New Yorker

On a bitterly cold night in February, William Bratton, New York City’s police commissioner, joined several hundred uniformed officers for an informal memorial service at the corner of 107th Avenue and Inwood Street, in Jamaica, Queens. It was past midnight, and everyone was waiting for Mayor Bill de Blasio, who was due to speak. Twenty-seven years earlier, on February 26, 1988, a twenty-two-year-old officer named Edward Byrne was shot and killed on that corner, on orders from a drug dealer, as he sat in his patrol car guarding the home of a witness.

Is NYPD Crossing The Line, Again, In Its Black Lives Matter Surveillance?

That would be "the same troubling surveillance it has conducted for decades on political activists."
Huffington Post

NEW YORK -- The New York City Police Department's involvement in the surveillance of Black Lives Matter activists, as revealed this week by The Intercept, is once again raising questions about whether the NYPD is unlawfully monitoring political activity.  

Electeds, community leaders call for unity in fight againtst poverty, homelessness

New York Amsterdam News

This week, members of the United Nations brought up the issue of increasing homelessness in New York. At about the same time, at a rally at City Hall Tuesday, Communities United for Police Reform, elected officials and a diverse group of homeless and anti-poverty advocates united to call for an end to the recent public dialogue in New York City that has, in effect, sought to demonize and shame homeless and poor New Yorkers.

NYPD Officers Seek To Shame Homeless Population Through Social Media Campaign

Think Progress

A new campaign launched by the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) in New York City is encouraging members of a police union, as well as their family and friends, to track “the homeless lying in our streets, aggressive panhandlers, people urinating in public or engaging in open-air drug activity, and quality-of-life offenses of every type.” The crusade comes in the midst of recent media hysteria over homeless people allegedly committing crimes, and advocates fear the
