In the Media

Council schedules hearing on police reform proposals

Capital New York

A week after claiming victory in the administration's decision to hire an additional 1,300 police officers, the City Council has scheduled a hearing for next Monday on a series of police reform proposals, including some that are opposed by Mayor Bill de Blasio and the NYPD.

The public safety committee will hear nine bills, including two that have enough sponsors to pass, but fall short of having enough votes to override a mayoral veto. A third bill is two votes shy of passage.

Improving Police-Community Relations

Capital Tonight - Time Warner Cable News

President Obama is pushing for more community policing and less use of military grade equipment. The White House has released the final report from a special task force on policing. The goal was to find ways to improve the relationship between citizens and the police after a series of high-profile deaths. Jose Lopez of Make the Road New York served on the task force and joined us to talk about efforts on both the state and federal level.

A 'crisis of police abuse' is 'dehumanizing' communities of color

New York Daily News
At a time when police seem to hold such an exalted place in society that they are beyond the justice demanded by common citizens, it’s no surprise that few give any credence to the man who attempted to blame the victim last week by declaring that Freddie Gray intentionally tried to injure himself. Actually, many expected something like this would emerge, to deflect responsibility from the Baltimore police — and justify the use of force with impunity. But the fact is that, as I write this column, two weeks after Freddie Gray, 25, died while in Baltimore police custody, no officer has been fired, arrested, or prosecuted — although Friday the State’s Attorney, Marilyn Mosby, said that Gray’s death had been ruled a homicide.

NYPD Arrest Retraining Discourages Verbal Abuse, Physical Violence

NBC 4 New York
"Training is a positive step in the right direction, but ultimately it's inadequate in dealing with the systemic breakdown when it comes to accountability," said Monifa Bandele of Communities United for Police Reform, one of several groups that want laws to give outside watchdog agencies and prosecutors more power to investigate and punish officers if necessary.

NYC Wants To Hire 1,000 More NYPD Officers, Civil Rights Groups Say Spend Money On Youth And Homeless Instead

International Business Times

A coalition of civil rights and social justice organizations in New York City came out Thursday against a City Council plan to hire 1,000 police officers. The group of organizations, which collectively represent communities of color, the LGBT community, low-income residents, youth, the homeless and immigrant New Yorkers, said adding the officers amid growing concerns about police accountability in New York and across the nation would be a bad move.

City Council Speaker Draws Ire of Allies on Police Hiring

New York Times
The New York City Council is again calling for the hiring of 1,000 additional police officers, a request that Mayor Bill de Blasio rejected last year. Undeterred, the Council, led by Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, outlined a budget proposal this week that would spend $68.7 million in the coming fiscal year, which begins on July 1, to add 1,000 officers to the class that will enter the Police Academy in July.

De Blasio exaggerates NYPD stop-and-frisk reforms

De Blasio exaggerates effectiveness of NYPD stop-and-frisk reforms to predominantly black audience
New York Daily News

Mayor de Blasio exaggerated the effectiveness of his reforms of the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program in an address to a predominantly black audience.

Speaking in prepared remarks to the Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network Wednesday, de Blasio compared his application of the controversial crime-fighting tactic to the way it was done under ex-Mayor Michael Bloomberg.
