In the Media

Constance Malcolm, mother of Ramarley Graham, discusses Right To Know Act on NY1 The Call

NY1 - The Call
Hundreds of New Yorkers gathered outside City Hall today for a rally demanding change at the NYPD. A few City Council lawmakers joined the call to improve "accountability and transparency" under Mayor de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bratton's leadership. Protesters want the Council to pass the "Right to Know Act" to further "protect New Yorkers against unconstitutional searches."

Bill would force NY police to report data on arrests, deaths

Associated Press

 Police departments would have to report more about arrests and the deaths of people in custody under legislation pending in the New York state Legislature.

Advocates for criminal justice reform and their legislative allies detailed the bill Tuesday.

The measure sponsored by Assemblyman Joseph Lentol and Sen. Daniel Squadron, both Democrats, would require police departments to follow a single, statewide process for reporting information about everyday arrests — as well as cases in which a person is killed while in custody.

Why Manhattan isn't going to arrest people for littering, public drinking

The NYPD’s overhaul of how to treat minor offenses such as public drinking and taking two seats on the subway represents a tap on the brakes for the nation’s largest and most influential police force.
Christian Science Monitor

NEW YORK — When New York City officials announced this week that Manhattan police would stop arresting most of the scofflaws who littered, drank in public, or took up two seats on the subway, and give them summonses instead, they were in many ways addressing a lot more than such penny-ante violations of the law.

Need for police accountability, transparency and right to know - OpEd by CPR Leader Monifa Bandele

New York Amsterdam News

Last week’s conviction of NYPD officer Peter Liang, the first conviction of a NYPD officer for killing a civilian in more than a decade, is an important step forward for justice for Akai Gurley’s family and police accountability. However, it hardly represents equal justice for our communities with respect to policing, or an end to the preferential double standard that most officers have experienced when they brutalize or kill.
