In the Media


Black Star News

Communities United for Police Reform responds to Commissioner Bill Bratton’s claim that civilians documenting the police are an “epidemic” that escalates police violence against civilians.

Either Bill Bratton is desperate for national attention or is seeking to deflect from corruption investigations and his impotence in addressing systemic failed police accountability, but it could be all of the above.

Public Drinking And Urination No Longer Necessarily Criminal Offenses In NYC


The City Council today enacted a series of bills that will give police officers the discretion to steer certain low-level broken windows offenses like drinking in public, littering, and public urination to civil court, rather than criminal court.

"Nobody who has littered or made excessive noise... should bear the brunt of the criminal justice system," said Queens Council Member Rory Lancman, a bill sponsor, on Wednesday.

Our right to know

New York Amsterdam News

It is ironic that many New Yorkers are not aware of the Right to Know Act, the legislative package that aims to protect them while promoting communication, transparency and accountability between them and the New York Police Department.

Thanks to the Communities United for Police Reform, the Right to Know Act is becoming better known. Even so, there is much more our citizens need to know if they want to be treated with dignity and respect when interacting with the police.

'We Protect our Communities': Cop Watchers Speak Out

NBC News

QUEENS, N.Y. — On a recent evening in a nondescript apartment building in the Jackson Heights section of Queens, a small group of young social justice activists gather for a weekly ritual.

Armed with handheld video cameras and know-your-rights pamphlets, they hash out a strategy and exchange information about police movements in the area. All write on their arms the phone number of a lawyer who will bail them out of jail if things go awry.

Right to Know Act pushed by council members, protesters in front of City Hall

Several hundred people gathered near City Hall on Thursday, including several City Council members, to push for a vote on two pieces of police reform legislation. The two bills, which together make up the Right to Know Act, call on police to identify themselves and give out business cards during stops, as well as seek consent to search people when there is no probably cause.

Advocates Renew Push to Pass Police Reform Bills Stalled in City Council


Advocates and Council members rallied outside City Hall today to call for the passage of a pair of police reform bills that have languished for two years, despite support from more than half the body’s members.

The bills, known collectively as the Right to Know Act, would require police officers to identify themselves to people they stop and to inform people that they have a right to refuse a search if the officer does not have probable cause. The identification bill has 32 sponsors; the consent to search legislation has 28—enough to pass the 51-member body.

Hundreds Call on City Council to Pass Long Delayed Police Reform Bills

Hundreds gathered outside of City Hall Thursday, rallying in support of long-delayed police reform bills that would require officers to get consent before searching someone without a warrant. The Right to Know Act — City Council legislation composed of two bills — would require the NYPD to identify themselves and explain why they are stopping or questioning an individual. Police would also have to explain that people can deny consent to a search in certain instances — and get written or audio proof of consent to a non-warrant search.

Protestors rally outside City Hall demanding passage of new police reform bills

New York Daily News

More than 200 people — including a fleet of politicians — rallied outside City Hall Thursday to demand that lawmakers pass new police reform bills.

The demonstrators called on the City Council to take action on a pair of measures known as the “Right to Know Act.”

The bills would require cops to formally identify themselves during stops — as well as get proof of consent when searching individuals without probable cause.
