Press Releases

Reform Campaign Condemns de Blasio’s Unilateral Appointment of Civilian Monitor for Disregarding New Yorkers Targeted by NYPD’s Unwarranted Political and Religious Surveillance

In response to Mayor de Blasio unilaterally appointing a civilian representative to the Handschu Committee to prevent any further improper and unwarranted surveillance of political activities and Muslim communities by the NYPD, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Mark Winston Griffith, the executive director of the Brooklyn Movement Center.

“Mayor de Blasio has once again disregarded communities impacted by the NYPD’s abusive and discriminatory policing, prioritizing announcements above substance. When New Yorkers are the subject of unwarranted surveillance based on their political activities or religion, it doesn’t build trust to secretly appoint and announce an independent civilian monitor without input from the communities who forced the appointment of such an official by the courts in the first place.

Ramarley Graham’s Mother Asks Mayor de Blasio Why His Administration / NYPD Continues to Withhold Information from Family on Her Son’s Killing

The mother of Ramarley Graham, Constance Malcolm, was joined by community supporters to announce their filing an appeal of the de Blasio administration and NYPD’s blanket denial of their FOIL request for records pertaining to the killing of her son. The move could represent the preview of a legal battle against the de Blasio administration into records related to Ramarley Graham’s killing that his family has sought from Mayor de Blasio for several years.

NYC Mayor & NYPD Commissioner’s Rhetoric Not Matching Reality

NYPD Collaboration with ICE, Deception on NYPD/Broken Windows’ Contribution to Immigration Enforcement, Continued Brutality and Misconduct, Harassment of Muslim Officer


NYPD’s Alleged/Substantiated Abuses, Misconduct, Racial Disparities, and Lack of Accountability & Transparency Continue in January under de Blasio/O’Neill

de Blasio continues to inexplicably insist that training and ‘neighborhood policing’ are resolution to NYPD abuses/misconduct, in which officers abuse authority and violate oath to protect and serve

As Mayor de Blasio and Commissioner O’Neill tout January crime statistics, the continued incidents and examples of alleged and substantiated abuses, misconduct, racial disparities, and lack of accountability remain.

CPR Responds to NYPD Commissioner O’Neill’s Claims of Reform Accomplishments

In response to NYPD Commissioner James O’Neill claiming the department’s reform accomplishments are not being recognized by the public, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

Ramarley Graham’s Family & New Yorkers Demand Swift Action from de Blasio & O’Neill on Day Marking 5 Years Since NYPD Killed Unarmed Teen

In 5 Years since killing and one year since feds closed investigation, no officers have been disciplined and only one has faced NYPD trial with outcome still pending
Family and New Yorkers express disappointment in de Blasio for not fulfilling 2012 call as public advocate for “fair, speedy and transparent” accountability for officers in killing





All Ramarley did was pull up his pants while walking with his friends. It was the biased-based, discriminatory profiling of the NYPD officers involved that created a contrary perception of the 18-year-old teenager, who was walking with friends within his own neighborhood. If the officers were so sure he was armed, why didn’t they stop-and-frisk him on the street for a weapon while he was calmly walking home?

Family of Ramarley Graham, Community Supporters Pack First Day of Trial against Officer Responsible for Shooting Graham, Other Misconduct

Family and community members demand accountability and transparency from de Blasio & O’Neill: #FireHaste and other officers responsible for killing and misconduct

Five years since killing, $30K in pay raises for Haste without accountability demonstrates lack of change by de Blasio
