Press Releases

Advocates Applaud Assembly Passage of Critical Criminal Justice Reform to Modernize Police Data Reporting; Urge Senate to Follow Suit

Advocates, elected leaders, and New Yorkers from Brooklyn to Buffalo strongly applaud the NYS Assembly for passing the Police Statistics and Transparency (STAT) Act (A.7698-A/Lentol; same as S.6001-A/Squadron) late Wednesday.

In response to the New York State Assembly’s passage of the Police STAT Act (A.7698-A/Lentol; same as S.6001-A/Squadron) late Wednesday, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Jose Lopez.

Reform Campaign Slams NYPD Commissioner Bratton for Baseless Claims, Deflecting Blame and Corruption

In response to Commissioner Bratton’s claim that civilians documenting the police are an “epidemic” that escalates police violence against civilians while he fails to hold officers involved in misconduct and brutality accountable, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

“Either Bill Bratton is desperate for national attention or is seeking to deflect from corruption investigations and his impotence in addressing systemic failed police accountability, but it could be all of the above. His claim of an ‘epidemic’ that legal observation of the police fuels police violence against civilians is akin to blaming the witness of a violent crime for the actions of the attacker – it’s ludicrous.

CPR Responds to City Council Summons Reform

In response to the City Council’s expected passage of the Criminal Justice Reform Act, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

“The CJRA has potential to advance needed criminal justice reform, but it is not police reform and does not disrupt discriminatory broken windows policing that propels racial disparities in policies and outcomes. Whether its impact is beneficial to New Yorkers in the long-run lies in the details, since the NYPD retains ultimate control over most of its implementation and the direction given to officers.

Police Reform Campaign Responds to NYC Young Women’s Initiative Report

Highlights Support for Right to Know Act policies and other important reforms while applauding women’s leadership and heeding solutions of impacted communities
“We applaud Speaker Mark-Viverito for convening the Young Women’s Initiative and the leadership of its participants – including Girls for Gender Equity, New York Women’s Foundation and many others – for putting forth important recommendations for government improvements for girls, young women and our entire city. We are pleased to see that the YWI recommended the policies of the Right to Know Act, just as the White House’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing did. Given this widespread support from Washington to communities across our city and a majority of council members, there should be urgent action to pass the Right to Know Act without further delay.

Hundreds of New Yorkers Rally at City Hall to Demand Police Reforms with Support to Pass in City Council

Families & New Yorkers impacted by police abuse/brutality, artists and electeds call for City Council passage of Right to Know Act

Broad support for reforms from over 100 groups announced, highlights that communities don’t view de Blasio/Bratton “community policing” & training as addressing needed police accountability/transparency

After Budget with No Criminal Justice Reforms, Advocates Call for New York to Lead Nation by Prioritizing Modernization of Police Data Reporting

Leaders and New Yorkers from across state urge legislature and governor to lead on justice, public safety and transparency

Advocates from Communities United for Police Reform and other organizations from across New York were joined by Assemblyman Joseph Lentol and Senator Daniel Squadron to call for the prioritizing of criminal justice reform that advances transparency in the post-budget legislative session. Specifically, the group called for the passage of the Police-STAT Act (A.7698/S.6001), legislation sponsored by Lentol and Sqaudron that would requre state government to publicly report vital information about policing across the state.


CPR Responds to DA Thompson’s Sentencing Recommendation

In response to Brooklyn District Attorney Ken Thompson recommending that Peter Liang only face house arrest, probation and community service after being convicted on felony manslaughter charges for killing Akai Gurley, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

After Preet Bharara’s Failure, Ramarley Graham’s Family & Supporters Demand Accountability and Justice from Mayor de Blasio, Bratton with Call to Fire Officers

Meeting between family and Justice Department revealed Bratton distorted facts to delay disciplining officers; community leaders demand end to delays and excuses

Two days after U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara announced he would not pursue charges against the officers responsible for killing Ramarley Graham, Graham’s parents and supporters turned their attention to Mayor de Blasio and NYPD Commissioner Bratton, demanding they fire all the officers involved in the killing and subsequent treatment of the family and incident.

Police Reform Campaign Responds to Preet Bharara, DOJ Decision Not to Prosecute Officer Who Killed Ramarley Graham

Calls for de Blasio and Bratton to fire officers, questions Bratton's inaccurate statement about Justice Department request

In response to U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara failing to convene a grand jury for the killing of Ramarley Graham, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Monifa Bandele.

Police Reform Campaign Responds to CCRB Report on Improper NYPD Searches

In response to the NYC Civilian Complaint Review Board releasing a report highlighting improper searches after multiple other reports indicated other unconstitutional searches, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Jose Lopez. 
