Right To Know Act News

Feminist Leaders ‘Confident’ Mark-Viverito Will Back NYPD Reform Bills

Feminist leaders in New York City said at a rally outside City Hall today they believe City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito will eventually come out in support of a package of police reform bills which have stalled in the Council because of her opposition and obstruction.

Broken Windows Policing | BK Live


The broken windows policing policy came into existence nationwide in the early 80s, with the intent to reduce criminal activity in what were known as "disruptive environments.'

To speak on the dated and problematic nature of the policies are Alex Vitale, a professor of sociology at Brooklyn College, Nahal Zamani, Program Manager at the Center for Constitutional Rights, and Anthonine Pierre, Community Organizer at the Brooklyn Movement Center.

Cops & Community: Innovations Around Policing Town Hall | #BHeard

The killings of unarmed black civilians by the police have sparked a nationwide conversation around race and police violence. What innovations are underway that can help us think differently about the role of law enforcement in our society? BRIC TV Senior Correspondent Brian Vines moderates a panel of luminaries about ideas around innovations around policing practices in our communities.

Police Accountability | BK Live


Police-community relations are once again among the top stories nationwide, from Charlotte to Tulsa to Columbus. In New York, the recent debate has been not just about what police reform is needed, but how it should be done.

Criminal Justice Reforms Stall in a Liberal Capital: New York

New York Times

Utah, a state where even regular beer is considered too intoxicating, has made possession of heroin or cocaine a misdemeanor rather than a felony. Mississippi has reduced its prison population by 15 percent with new legislation.

Several states have decriminalized marijuana for recreational use. More than a half-dozen states have passed laws restricting the use of cellphone-tracking technology by the police.

La lucha por el ‘Derecho a Saber’ sigue

La Policía debe rendir cuentas
El Diario

La comunidad latina tiene que ser parte del movimiento nacional por la rendición de cuentas en los departamentos policíacos. Sufrimos abuso, brutalidad y asesinatos policiales de miembros de nuestra comunidad también, como parte de la manifestación de la violencia sistémica anti-Negro. En la ciudad de Nueva York, esa historia es trágicamente larga y continúa – Anthony Baez, Iman Morales, Noel Polanco, Jayson Tirado, y demasiados más han muerto a manos de la policía.
