Press Releases

Police Accountability Advocates Slam Charter Revision Commission for Failing to Approve Crucial Reforms that Would Increase Public Safety in New York City

New York, NY – Police accountability advocates today slammed the Charter Revision Commission for failing to approve reforms this week that were recommended by dozens of organizations committed to increasing public safety for New Yorkers.

Police Accountability Advocates and Progressive Leaders Call on Governor Cuomo and State Legislative Leaders to Pass Safer NY Act, Including Special Prosecutor, #PoliceSTATAct, and Full Repeal of 50-a Before June 19

Families of those killed by police slam Governor for threatening to rollback special prosecutor Executive Order

Albany - Today, a coalition of more than one hundred organizations from across New York called on Governor Cuomo and state legislative leaders to pass the Safer NY Act, a package that includes a bill to repeal 50-a (New York’s harmful police secrecy law), a bill to strengthen the Special Prosecutor Executive Order, a bill to increase transparency of police interactions and other police accountability bills.

More Than 40 Organizations Call on Charter Revision Commission to Support Changes to NYC Charter that Will Increase Police Accountability and Transparency

New York, NY – Today, more than 40 advocacy and community-based organizations sent a joint letter to the Charter Revision Commission calling for changes to the New York City Charter that will increase police accountability and transparency.

The letter comes in advance of the Charter Revision Commission’s June 12 meeting in which Commissioners will decide on final proposals for revising the New York City Charter that will appear on the November 2019 ballot.

Families Who Lost Loved Ones to Police Killings Call on Cuomo and Legislative Leaders to Pass Perry/Bailey Special Prosecutor Legislation & Repeal NYS Police Secrecy Law 50-a



16 New York family members whose loved ones were killed by police officers in New York state over the past twenty five years, called on Cuomo today to back (A1601A/S2574A) by Assemblymember Nick Perry and Senator Jamaal Bailey, after he threatened Monday to revoke the special prosecutor executive order he signed in 2015. The Perry/Bailey bill strengthens the 2015 executive order issued by Governor Cuomo and has previously passed the Assembly multiple times. Families call on all leaders to enact this and other important reform measures before the end of the legislative session June 19. Specifically, they called for the repeal NYS CRL Section 50-a, a controversial law known as the "police secrecy law" (A2513-O'Donnell/S3695-Bailey) before the end of session, and before the 5 year anniversary of the killing of Eric Garner by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo.

Communities United for Police Reform Applauds the Assembly for Advancing #PoliceSTATAct Legislation

New York, NY – Communities United for Police Reform (CPR), a leading voice for racial justice and police accountability in New York City, released the following statement today following the passage of Police Stat Act [A5472A/S1830B] legislation out of the New York State Assembly’s Codes Committee.

Police Accountability Advocates Applaud NYC Council Speaker Corey Johnson for Calling for Repeal of 50-a, New York’s Harmful Police Secrecy Law

New York –  Police accountability advocates and organizers today applauded New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson for calling for the repeal of 50-a, New York’s harmful police secrecy law. 50-a is a controversial and widely criticized state law that advocates and elected officials are seeking to repeal in the current legislative session. It has been used to block the release of crucial information about misconduct committed by police officers and what, if any, disciplinary consequences they have faced for their actions.

Police Accountability Advocates: At Pantaleo Trial Today, NYPD Inspector Confirmed that a Prohibited Chokehold Was Used to Kill Eric Garner

New York, NY – Police accountability organizers present at NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo’s trial today said testimony from a key NYPD witness confirmed that a chokehold unequivocally prohibited by the NYPD for over 20 years was used to kill Eric Garner.

“Pantaleo’s entire legal defense was discredited today by NYPD Inspector Dee. Pantaleo’s lawyers have been falsely claiming that Pantaleo didn't use a chokehold when he killed Eric Garner. But as the NYPD Inspector noted today in trial, not only were chokeholds banned without exception at the time Eric was choked and killed, so-called "seatbelt maneuvers" were not even taught when Pantaleo was in the police academy, or when he went through plainclothes officer training,” said Loyda Colon, Co-Director of the Justice Committee and a spokesperson for Communities United for Police Reform (CPR).

“I’m Tired of the Lies. We All Saw the Truth On Video”: In New Statement, Gwen Carr, Eric Garner’s Mother, Reacts to First Day of Pantaleo's Trial

New York, NY – Gwen Carr, Eric Garner’s mother, released the following statement after experiencing the first day of the NYPD officer Daniel Pantaleo’s trial for killing Garner: 

“Today was very hard. My family and I had to sit through Pantaleo's attorneys try to blame my son Eric Garner for his own murder.  I'm tired of the lies and misdirection from Daniel Pantaleo’s lawyers. Today we heard the truth - my son was murdered during an illegal arrest. He had just broken up a fight. The police who claim he was selling loosies have been lying all along, just like we've said. They can call Pantaleo's chokehold whatever fancy term they want to try to confuse people; it doesn't matter – because the facts and the video speak for themselves,” said Ms. Carr.

Police Accountability Advocates Slam PBA for Misleading Interpretation of Legal Ruling This Week that Allows the Trial of NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo to Proceed

New York –  Today, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) slammed the Police Benevolent Association (PBA) for their misleading interpretation of NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Trials Rosemarie Maldonado's ruling on their last-minute motion to dismiss or narrow charges against Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the disciplinary trial, set to begin on Monday, May 13, 2019.
