Press Releases

CPR Statement Re: Police Commissioner Bratton’s Comments on Stop-and-Frisk

In response to reports of Police Commissioner Bill Bratton’s comments on stop-and-frisk that “the problem has been more or less solved,” Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Priscilla Gonzalez.

CPR Statement Re: Court of Appeals’ Denial of Bloomberg Administration Request to Vacate Stop-and-Frisk Decision

In response to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit denying the Bloomberg administration’s request to vacate the ruling against its stop-and-frisk policy as unconstitutional, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Joo-Hyun Kang.

CPR Statement Re: NYPD Unions’ Efforts to Intervene in Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit

In response to police unions seeking legal standing in Floyd v. City of New York to appeal stop-and-frisk reforms, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Joo-Hyun Kang.

City Leaders and Residents Call on Bloomberg Administration and City to Drop Appeal, Stop Delay of Stop-and-Frisk Reforms

Following sweeping election of new leadership with clear platform of stop-and-frisk reform, group emphasizes continued harm delay has on communities; After voters reject Bloomberg policy, New Yorkers express support for turning page on counterproductive and divisive leadership and policies

On the day after New York City voters elected new leadership, city leaders and residents united on the steps of City Hall to call on the Bloomberg administration to end its fight against stop-and-frisk reforms and civil rights protections. Specifically, the group called on the administration to drop its appeal to a Federal court decision ruling its stop-and-frisk policy unconstitutional and its lawsuit to overturn a recently-passed anti-profiling law.

CPR Statement: Re: Federal appeals court blocking decision on stop-and-frisk and delaying remedies

In response to a federal appeals court granting a stay in the decision ruling the Bloomberg administration’s stop-and-frisk policy unconstitutional, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Joo-Hyun Kang.

CPR Statement: Re: Commissioner Ray Kelly being booed off stage at Brown University

“It’s not shocking that after directing policing that violates New Yorkers’ civil rights and the U.S. Constitution without any remorse that Commissioner Kelly would be poorly received – and it’s unfortunate that New York City has become known for political and police leadership that defends discriminatory and abusive policing, and seeks to fight accountability.

Community, Faith, Labor, and Law Enforcement Groups, City Officials Speak Out at City Hall to Support Court’s Orders in Stop-and-Frisk Lawsuit, Oppose Delays Sought by Bloomberg Administration

Today, ­­­ the coalition Communities United for Police Reform and representatives from community, faith, labor, and law enforcement groups joined City officials, attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights and co-counsel to voice support for moving forward with the remedial process ordered by the court in the landmark class action lawsuit Floyd, et al. v. City of New York, et al.

CPR Statement Re: 2013 2nd Quarter Data Showing Decline in Stop-and-Frisk

"Once again, the NYPD’s own data shows there is no correlation between the Bloomberg administration’s unconstitutional stop-and-frisk policy and violence prevention in New York City. As the use of stop-and-frisk declined 57% from the same quarter a year ago, murders simultaneously decreased 27 percent, completely debunking Mayor Bloomberg’s inaccurate rhetoric.

CPR Statement Re: Council Override of Mayor Bloomberg’s Vetoes of Community Safety Act

Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) released the following statement today from spokesperson Joo-Hyun Kang in response to the City Council’s vote to override Mayor Bloomberg’s vetoes of the Community Safety Act legislation to ban discriminatory profiling and establish independent oversight of the NYPD.

“Today is a victory for civil rights, safety and the people of our great city, whose voices have been heard. New Yorkers want to live in a city where equality and justice matter and today’s vote confirms those are the foundation of our city's values. We’re proud of council members who stood up for the people of New York City today and were national leaders in meeting President Obama’s challenge to ensure government policies prohibit profiling.

Council Members, Civil Rights Groups & New Yorkers Support Override of Bloomberg Vetoes of Community Safety Act

Following federal court decision, New Yorkers demand historic reforms to enforce profiling ban, extend protections for LGBTQ & immigrants; less than week away from 50th anniversary of March on Washington, leaders call for enactment of civil rights legislation to protect New Yorkers

Today, Council Members Brad Lander and Jumaane Williams, their colleagues, Communities United for Police Reform, civil rights and labor leaders, and New Yorkers held a press conference to express their support for a City Council override of Mayor Bloomberg’s veto of the Community Safety Act.
