Press Releases

Judge Orders NYPD to Release Documents to Ramarley Graham’s Family That May Shed New Light on His Killing

New York, NY – New York Supreme Court Justice Manuel J. Mendez has ordered the NYPD to release a trove of documents to Ramarley Graham’s family that may shed new light on Mr. Graham’s 2012 killing by then-NYPD Officer Richard Haste and the NYPD investigation into the killing.

Communities United for Police Reform Calls on Judge Analisa Torres to Halt the Expansion of NYPD Secrecy that a New Protective Order Would Create

New York – Today, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) filed a request for the court to accept a submission from CPR as amicus curiae, along with the proposed amicus submission to support plaintiffs calling on federal judge 

CPR Responds to Media Leaks of the Names of NYPD Officers Responsible for Killing Saheed Vassell

New York – Tonight, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) released the statement below responding to media leaks of the names of NYPD officers responsible for the killing of Saheed Vassell. 

Gwen Carr, Eric Garner’s Mother, Escalates Her Campaign to Pressure the NYPD to Fire All the Officers Responsible for Killing Her Son

Carr Today Held a Media Availability After Her Meeting with the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB), and She Confronted Mayor de Blasio in Person Last Night.

New York, NY-  Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, is escalating her campaign to push the NYPD to serve charges and fire all the officers responsible for killing her son and related misconduct, not just Daniel Pantaleo and Sgt. Adonis.

This afternoon, she held a media availability following her meeting with the Civilian Complaint Review Board (CCRB) in their disciplinary case against Pantaleo, the NYPD officer who used a chokehold that killed Garner. 

Eric Garner’s Mother, Gwen Carr, Responds to Report That NYPD Will Begin Disciplinary Process Sooner Than Previously Indicated

In response to a report that the NYPD will begin the disciplinary process into NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo and Sergeant Kizzy Adonis sooner than they claimed in a letter to DOJ this week, Gwen Carr, Eric Garner’s mother, released the following statement.

“The de Blasio administration should never have waited for 4 years or until September because the idea that NYPD couldn’t have acted before DOJ has always been a lie. We exposed that September was an artificial timeline this week and it's unacceptable that the NYPD is saying that only two officers will face discipline charges when many more were involved in murdering my son, trying to cover it up and other related misconduct.

CPR Slams de Blasio for Cover-Up on Garner, Calls for Truly External Investigations into Corrupted NYPD Disciplinary Investigations for Serious Misconduct

In response to Mayor de Blasio claiming that the killing of Eric Garner wasn’t as clear as the police killings of civilians in other cities and defending the NYPD only bringing charges against two officers in Garner’s killing, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Loyda Colon, Co-Director of the Justice Committee.

“It’s disgusting and disgraceful for Mayor de Blasio to have said that Eric Garner’s killing by the NYPD he controls, which the world saw on video, was less clear-cut of an injustice than police killings of civilians in other cities. For four years, Mayor de Blasio misled the public about needing to wait for DOJ, which other police departments across the country did not do when their officers killed civilians and were investigated by DOJ.

4 Years after Eric Garner’s Killing by NYPD, His Family & Supporters Tell Mayor de Blasio: NYPD Letter Isn’t Action; Stop Protecting, Identify & Fire Guilty Officers

NYPD letter to DOJ & Justice Department response shows de Blasio administration misled public, inaction was unjustified & there’s no reason to wait until September to discipline officers

Family and community demand that NYPD immediately begin disciplinary process to fire all officers who used excessive force in killing, failed to intervene, and then tried to cover it up with lies on official reports

On the day that marks four years since Eric Garner was killed by NYPD officers on Staten Island, Garner’s mother was joined by elected officials and community supporters to demand the de Blasio administration immediately start disciplinary action against the officers responsible for the killing and its related misconduct. Specifically, they demanded that Mayor de Blasio and the NYPD immediately hold all of the multiple officers who used excessive force against Garner – not just Pantaleo – accountable by bringing them up on disciplinary charges and firing them.

CPR Responds to NYPD Letter to U.S. Department of Justice Regarding Eric Garner

In response to the NYPD sending a letter to the U.S. Department of Justice regarding the killing of Eric Garner, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Carolyn Martinez-Class.

“This letter is more political theater by the de Blasio administration and NYPD to distract from the fact that four years after Eric Garner was killed, they have failed to hold any of the multiple officers responsible for the killing and related misconduct accountable.
