Press Releases

Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner and Advocates Demand Action Following Reports of Recommendation of Termination of Daniel Pantaleo from the NYPD

Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, reacts to reports that the administrative judge in the disciplinary trial of the NYPD officer who unjustly killed her son recommended that the officer be fired.

Statement by Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner, After Meeting with Mayor de Blasio

New York, NY - Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner, condemned the decision not to convict Officer Daniel Pantaleo in the unjust killing of her son. Carr is calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to hold the NYPD accountable, which includes firing Pantaleo and other officers responsible for misconduct. On Thursday, July 18, Carr spoke to de Blasio in a meeting. She issued the following statement:  

Statement by Gwen Carr, Mother of Eric Garner:

Civil Rights, Community Groups Respond to Second NYPD Spying Report

New York, NY - Today, a coalition of community and civil rights organizations responded to the second annual public report on the New York City Police Department’s (NYPD) intelligence operations from Stephen Robinson, the Civilian Representative on the NYPD’s “Handschu Committee.” Mayor de Blasio appointed Robinson as the Civilian Representative in 2017. The position came as part of a series of reforms resulting from community mobilization in reaction to widespread NYPD spying on Muslim communities.

BREAKING NEWS: Mother of Eric Garner Addresses DOJ Refusal to Bring Charges Against NYPD Officer Who Killed Her Son

New York, NY – One day before the fifth anniversary of the unjust killing of Eric Garner, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) refused to bring federal charges against Garner’s killer, NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo. Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, and sister, Ellisha Flagg-Garner, will address the DOJ decision in a 1:00 p.m. press conference on the steps of City Hall.

Families Impacted by Police Violence Join Progressive and Community Organizations in Slamming State Legislative Leaders and Governor Cuomo for Failing to Pass the Safer NY Act

New York – Today, New York families impacted by police violence joined progressive and community organizations to slam the state’s legislative leaders and Governor Cuomo for failing to pass the Safer NY Act, a package of bills designed to increase police accountability and enhance public safety for all New Yorkers.

Police Accountability Advocates Slam Charter Revision Commission for Failing to Approve Crucial Reforms that Would Increase Public Safety in New York City

New York, NY – Police accountability advocates today slammed the Charter Revision Commission for failing to approve reforms this week that were recommended by dozens of organizations committed to increasing public safety for New Yorkers.

Police Accountability Advocates and Progressive Leaders Call on Governor Cuomo and State Legislative Leaders to Pass Safer NY Act, Including Special Prosecutor, #PoliceSTATAct, and Full Repeal of 50-a Before June 19

Families of those killed by police slam Governor for threatening to rollback special prosecutor Executive Order

Albany - Today, a coalition of more than one hundred organizations from across New York called on Governor Cuomo and state legislative leaders to pass the Safer NY Act, a package that includes a bill to repeal 50-a (New York’s harmful police secrecy law), a bill to strengthen the Special Prosecutor Executive Order, a bill to increase transparency of police interactions and other police accountability bills.

More Than 40 Organizations Call on Charter Revision Commission to Support Changes to NYC Charter that Will Increase Police Accountability and Transparency

New York, NY – Today, more than 40 advocacy and community-based organizations sent a joint letter to the Charter Revision Commission calling for changes to the New York City Charter that will increase police accountability and transparency.

The letter comes in advance of the Charter Revision Commission’s June 12 meeting in which Commissioners will decide on final proposals for revising the New York City Charter that will appear on the November 2019 ballot.

Families Who Lost Loved Ones to Police Killings Call on Cuomo and Legislative Leaders to Pass Perry/Bailey Special Prosecutor Legislation & Repeal NYS Police Secrecy Law 50-a



16 New York family members whose loved ones were killed by police officers in New York state over the past twenty five years, called on Cuomo today to back (A1601A/S2574A) by Assemblymember Nick Perry and Senator Jamaal Bailey, after he threatened Monday to revoke the special prosecutor executive order he signed in 2015. The Perry/Bailey bill strengthens the 2015 executive order issued by Governor Cuomo and has previously passed the Assembly multiple times. Families call on all leaders to enact this and other important reform measures before the end of the legislative session June 19. Specifically, they called for the repeal NYS CRL Section 50-a, a controversial law known as the "police secrecy law" (A2513-O'Donnell/S3695-Bailey) before the end of session, and before the 5 year anniversary of the killing of Eric Garner by NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo.
