After almost a decade as Communities United for Police Reform’s (CPR) director, Joo-Hyun Kang will be leaving her staff role later this year. CPR is excited to announce its search for a new Executive Director. Joo-Hyun will continue to serve in her role as director until Fall 2021.
If you’re interested in applying or would like to nominate potential candidates for CPR’s new Executive Director position, please see the job posting and more information here.
CPR was publicly launched in 2012 as an experiment. CPR member groups experimented to see if we could turn the tide on NYPD police violence by using “any and all tactics”[1] in a disciplined, unified campaign – while maintaining a commitment to centering and promoting the leadership of the grassroots sector of groups led by and for those most impacted by police violence.
The CPR experiment has been successful – and it’s ongoing.
- CPR has won landmark legislation, like the repeal of New York state’s infamous police secrecy law (“50a”).
- We’ve organized and shifted public opinion on policing and safety. We built citywide opposition to stop-and-frisk and built broad support for removing cops from mental health response, homeless and youth engagement and so many other areas of public life.
- We’re building a growing consensus that NYC must shrink the NYPD’s bloated budget, outsized power, scope and size so that we can reduce police violence and redirect needed resources to communities.
- We’ve strengthened the grassroots sector of groups fighting police violence and creating non-police safety.
- We’ve built CPR as movement infrastructure, with relationships, strategic effectiveness, and practice of struggle and unity that contribute to the broader movement ecosystem in New York and nationally.
We believe in organizing and leadership transitions, and CPR is in strong shape with a proud list of accomplishments and a deep bench of leadership from our members.
As New York City awaits a new Mayoral administration and City Council class, this is a perfect opportunity for an executive director transition.
We encourage qualified applicants to apply for the Executive Director position here.
About the ED search process
CPR’s next Executive Director will be hired by our steering committee[2], with our Executive Director search team[3] working with Koya Partners (a search group) to review and recommend applicants.
The next Executive Director will be able to build on CPR’s winning track record, with an amazing team of some of NYC’s most effective social justice organizations leading our work, and coalitions of 200+ national, state and city groups on various campaigns.
We are deeply grateful for nearly the decade of expert leadership from Joo-Hyun and look forward to her continued support of CPR in the future, and in our current campaigns that she will continue to help lead until Fall 2021.
About Communities United for Police Reform
Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) is an unprecedented campaign to end abusive and discriminatory policing in New York, and to build a lasting movement that promotes public safety and reduces reliance on policing. CPR runs coalitions of over 200 local, statewide and national organizations, bringing together a movement of community members, lawyers, researchers and activists to work for change. The partners in this campaign come from all 5 boroughs, from all walks of life and represent many of those most unfairly targeted by the NYPD.
[1] We can’t talk about CPR & not lift up our ancestor Richie Perez, a Young Lord & co-founder of the National Congress for Puerto Rican Rights (now known as the Justice Committee). He taught & mentored so many social justice warriors in many movements, who are still fighting today, including many of the founding members of CPR. Richie was the brains behind Daniels v NYC (the precursor to the federal Floyd litigation that found the NYPD’s stop-and-frisk program unconstitutional) & someone who taught many of us the value of linking direct action, organizing, civic engagement, policy & legal strategies.
[2] CPR steering committee groups: Arab American Association of New York, Brooklyn Movement Center, Center for Constitutional Rights, Justice Committee, Make the Road New York, Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, New York Civil Liberties Union, Public Science Project, Youth Represent.
[3] CPR’s ED search team includes steering committee members, voting member groups and staff: Kate Rubin/Youth Represent; Mark Winston Griffith/Brooklyn Movement Center; Yul-san Liem/Justice Committee; Lumumba Bandele/Malcolm X Grassroots Movement; Ashley Sawyer/Girls for Gender Equity; Rachel McCullough/Jews for Racial & Economic Justice; and Manny Vaz from CPR’s staff.