Right To Know Act Resources

Right To Know Act Laws - Fact Sheet

The Right to Know Act aims to deter NYPD abuse, help prevent unnecessary police encounters and requires that the NYPD be more transparent when interacting with the public. The Right to Know Act consists of two laws (in effect as of October 19, 2018).

Key Accountability Reforms of the Right To Know Act

In July 2016, the New York Times reported that NYC Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito had agreed to a deal with then-NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton in an attempt to prevent a vote on the Right to Know Act. The deal removed some of the most important protections of the Right to Know Act, including policies explicitly prioritized by the White House Task Force on 21st Century Policing, and its underlying foundation of accountability. The following fact sheet includes some of these key distinctions and further demonstrates why the NYC Council must pass the Right To Know Act to ensure meaningful and lasting reforms to protect all New Yorkers.


La Ley del Derecho a Saber es un paquete legislativo que busca proteger los derechos civiles y humanos de las y los neoyorkinos a la vez que promueve la transparencia y la responsabilidad en las interacciones del día a día entre el NYPD y el público.

Fact Sheet: Right To Know Act

The Right To Know Act is a legislative package that aims to protect the civil and human rights of New Yorkers while promoting communication, transparency and accountability in everyday interactions between the NYPD and the public.  New Yorkers want to live in a safe city where the police treat all residents with dignity and respect, and where police are not considered to be above the law.