Press Releases

Family of Delrawn Small Responds to Not Guilty Verdict against NYPD Officer Wayne Isaacs Who Killed Small

Family comments on failure of jury as injustice, racialized fear, racism in justice system and society; demands that Mayor de Blasio & NYPD Commissioner O’Neill fire Isaacs. 

In response to the jury finding NYPD Officer Wayne Isaacs not guilty of murder for killing unarmed Delrawn Small on Atlantic Avenue on July 4, 2016, Delrawn Small’s brother and sister, Victor Dempsey and Victoria Davis, released the following statement.

“Nothing can bring Delrawn back or fill the void in our hearts and lives from our brother being taken from us by this senseless murder‎. We are devastated and outraged that the jury failed to ensure justice by not holding NYPD Officer Wayne Isaacs accountable for murdering our brother. What Wayne Isaacs did that night – immediately shooting and killing our brother as he approached his car and leaving him to bleed out and die, when he had so many other options – was murder, in cold blood.

With Only 3 Months Left to Pass Bills, Hundreds of New Yorkers Descend on City Hall Demanding Action on Right to Know Act Police Reforms

Right to Know Act is supported by majority of council members, 200+ groups and Colin Kaepernick; policies received support from Obama policing taskforce and Council’s Young Women’s Initiative

Former Tennis Pro James Blake Responds to End of Disciplinary Trial for NYPD Officer

In response to the end of the disciplinary trial into Officer James Frascatore, who tackled and slammed James Blake to the ground before improperly placing him in handcuffs outside of his Manhattan hotel in 2015, James Blake released the following statement.

CPR Responds to End of Disciplinary Trial for NYPD Officer, where CCRB Only Sought to Take Away Vacation Days from Officer

In response to the end of the disciplinary trial into Officer James Frascatore, who tackled and slammed former tennis pro James Blake to the ground before improperly placing him in handcuffs outside of his Manhattan hotel in 2015 and the CCRB only seeking to take away vacation days as discipline, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Anthonine Pierre.

Joint Statement from The Legal Aid Society and CPR on City’s Volatile Interpretation of 50A

City Abruptly Invokes 50A at James Blake Trial, Kicks the public (including CPR members) out of Hearing Room

At NYPD Trial, Blake Recalls Being Attacked & Wrongfully Cuffed by NYPD, Reiterates Call to Fire Officer with Significant History of Civilian Complaints

Although hotel video footage clearly showed Officer James Frascatore using excessive force against retired tennis pro James Blake, the trial today featured a witness attempting to defend Frascatore’s brutal actions. Despite today’s testimony from the defense witness Daniel Modell, whose credibility was vigorously challenged in court, Blake remained steadfast that there is no justification for Frascatore’s actions.

Blake Police Brutality Trail Starts: NYPD Uses Excessive Force Against Former Tennis Star

After years of delays and multiple false starts, NYPD Officer James Frascatore, the cop responsible for the unprovoked and brutal attack of retired tennis star James Blake, will finally stand trial for NYPD discipline.

Miguel Richards Should Be Alive Today, Police Reform Campaign Says

September 14, 2017 – In response to the release of body camera footage documenting the killing of Miguel Richards by NYPD officers, Communities United for Police Reform (CPR) issued the following statement attributable to CPR Director Joo-Hyun Kang.

Police Reform Campaign Responds to Civilian Complaint Review Board Substantiating Complaint against Officer Who Killed Eric Garner

In response to reports that the New York City Civilian Complaint Review Board substantiated a complaint against Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who killed Eric Garner, Communities United for Police Reform released the following statement from spokesperson Carolyn Martinez-Class.

NY Police Reform Campaign Responds to Bronx DA Dropping Charges Against Pedro Hernandez

Campaign calls for Governor Cuomo to Authorize Office of NY Attorney General As Special Prosecutor to Investigate 42nd Precinct, NYPD and Bronx DA’s Office
